In line with the basic policy of Respect for Human Rights and Friendly Work Environment set forth in the SCREEN Group CSR Charter / Group Code of Conduct, in line with the basic policy of “respect for human rights and friendly work environment” set forth in the SCREEN Group CSR Charter / Group Code of Conduct, we work to promote the health of individual employees and the workplace as a whole with the aim of turning each employee into a solution creator who is healthy in body and mind, thinks and acts independently, and provides new technologies, products, and services that help solve social issues. 
By working to improve employee living habits, enhance their mental toughness, encourage them to undergo appropriate treatments, and strengthen support from supervisors and colleagues through health and productivity management, we seek to increase the rate of employees practicing good health management and the rate of employees who are in good physical health. We believe that doing so will increase employee work engagement1 and performance.

1. An indicator of employees’ vigor, passion, and focus at work

Safety and Health Initiatives

Health and productivity management initiative

The SCREEN Group Declaration of Commitment to Employee Health

~ Promoting the mental and physical health of every employee ~

The SCREEN Group seeks to become a solution creator. By the term “solution creator,” we mean a company that addresses social issues with a tireless inquiring mind and flexible ideas and that provides customers around the world with technologies, products, and services contributing to the sustainable development of society through the approach of creating shared value (CSV).
To achieve this goal, it is fundamental that every employee of the SCREEN Group is mentally and physically healthy and that their workplace supports this concept.
We want our employees to look for, learn, and practice ways to maintain and improve their health on their own. To help them do so, we are providing assistance and opportunities needed to build a workplace where health issues are properly addressed and improved and where colleagues care about and support each other.
Only through such efforts can we help each employee develop into a solution creator themselves.
The SCREEN Group declares its commitment to encouraging both employees and workplaces to value mental and physical health, thus helping every employee become a forward-looking solution creator who is healthy both mentally and physically.

Toshio Hiroe
Representative Director, President, Member of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Promotion system

SCREEN Holdings’ president assumes the ultimate responsibility for the Group’s promotion system, including health and productivity management, a priority strategic area pursued by the Group.
The Healthcare Subcommittee is a specialized body for health and productivity management under the Group EHS Committee. The subcommittee takes the lead in promoting coordination among the health and productivity management officers of group companies, working with the labor union and health insurance society to plan and implement health and productivity management measures and ensure that they reach all employees.
Promotion system structure (sustainable management promotion system)

Health and productivity management strategy

The SCREEN Group aims for more of its employees to be highly productive, and for more of them to never need to take long-term leave for health reasons. To this end, we implement a variety of health-related measures based on our health and productivity management strategy.

Metrics and targets

We have set metrics and targets for our wellness-related measures. As we implement said measures, we monitor the metrics to make improvements.
In FYE2024/03, we saw improvement in employee living habits and health literacy. However, absenteeism2 (the sickness absence rate), one of our primary wellness metrics, increased. As such, we are reinforcing both physical and mental health initiatives to prevent sickness absence.
Going forward, we will advance wellness promotion measures to improve our primary wellness metrics (absenteeism, presenteeism,3 and work engagement). With regard to presenteeism, in particular, we have set the long-term target for FYE2033/03 of 85.0%.4 We are striving to meet this target by providing support for realizing low-stress work environments and coordinating efforts with HR-related measures.

2. Total sickness absence days as a percentage of employees’ total prescribed work days (the higher the percentage, the worse).
3. Presenteeism: When employees are present at work despite being unwell, resulting in diminished performance.  SCREEN measures presenteeism as employees’ ratio of work performance over the past four weeks, based on the assumption that 100% represents performance when unaffected by illness or injury (the higher the percentage, the better).
4. Determined with reference to the average among Japanese respondents (84.9%) using the Single-Item Presenteeism Question (SPQ) developed by the University of Tokyo, a method of measuring presenteeism.

Sickness absence rate
Total sickness absence days as a percentage of employees’ total prescribed work days
Sickness absence rate = (Total sickness absence days / employees’ total prescribed work days) × 100
Rate for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024: 0.915%
Sickness Absence Rate_E.png
Boundary: SCREEN Group in Japan

Health promotion measures

Based on our nine wellness promotion tenets, we work to promote physical and mental wellness at both the employee and workplace levels.
   In terms of mental wellness, absenteeism (the sickness absence rate) due to mental health issues has been rising. In light of this, we promote support for employees at a business/production line level  and conduct e-learning and seminars for specific job levels as part of efforts to enhance mental health measures.
   As for physical wellness, to support employees’ autonomous health improvement efforts, we offer the “My Health Challenge” program, in which employees select a healthy behavior challenge to take on based on their own health needs. We also hold walking events, among other healthy behavior promotion measures.
Furthermore, we use data analysis to identify wellness issues prevalent at each workplace, based on which we implement workplace-specific wellness measures.
As a result of our wellness promotion measures and efforts to promote awareness internally, in FYE2025/03, health and productivity management awareness among employees5 reached 56.6%, up 6.4 percentage points from 50.2% in FYE2024/03. Going forward, we will continue working to enhance employees’ understanding of and support for health and productivity management while further developing initiatives to address wellness issues.

5. The percentage of employees answering affirmatively that “the Company should engage in health and productivity management” and “the Company is engaging in health and productivity management” in an internal survey covering HD, the business operating companies, and the functional support companies

Nine wellness promotion tenets
SCREEN has designated the nine areas of exercise, diet, sleep, alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, medical exams, expert advice, and workplace improvement as key tenets of wellness promotion in Japan . These nine tenets are at the core of our wide-ranging health promotion measures.



Key measures



Exercises to prevent lower back pain Employees can participate in a stretching session to prevent lower back pain during their working hours every business day.
Walking events Walking events are held every year using a walking app. Individuals and teams that record the most steps receive awards.
Free evaluations and events Free posture evaluations are offered to employees, and online yoga and other events are held to promote the practice of healthy habits.



Dietary seminars Online seminars are provided for employees to educate themselves about dietary habits and nutrition.
Vegetable intake measurement events Events are held at business site cafeterias to quantitatively estimate the amount of vegetables that employees are eating.
Healthy menu options Business site cafeterias offer healthy menu options.


Sleep-related seminars Online seminars are offered for employees to educate themselves about sleeping habits.


E-learning on alcohol consumption E-learning is offered for employees to educate themselves about alcohol consumption.


Smoke-free business sites To prevent second-hand smoking, since April 2024, smoking is completely prohibited at all group business sites.
Smoking cessation support program To help prevent damage to employees’ health, the Group offers smoking cessation support, including online treatment and partial subsidies for the cost of nicotine patches.






Primary prevention

Self-care training E-learning and job level-specific training are offered to help employees understand the physical and mental impacts of stress and learn techniques for appropriately managing stress in their own lives.
Training on care for subordinates E-learning and job level-specific training is provided for managers to learn about noticing and preventing potential mental health issues in their subordinates and improving work environments.
Stress checks Stress checks are implemented to prevent mental health issues in employees and improve work environments.
Workplace care training Workplace care training is provided to help workplace supervisors correctly understand aggregated stress check analysis results and use them to improve work environments.


Secondary prevention

Interviews with high-stress individuals Employees indicating a stress level above the specified standards in stress checks can have an interview with an occupational physician or consult with a public health nurse by request.

Workplace improvement interviews
The supervisors of high-stress workplaces identified through stress checks discuss with experts ways to improve their workplaces from both labor and health perspectives.



E-learning about regular health check-ups E-learning is provided to help employees educate themselves about regular health check-ups.
Detailed examination promotion Employees whose health check-up results exceed internally defined thresholds are required to meet with an occupational physician and encouraged to receive detailed examinations.
Health guidance Employees whose health check-up results exceed internally defined thresholds are required to meet a public health nurse and receive health guidance.
Specified health guidance In a collaborative healthcare program with our health insurance association, employees whose check-up results indicate a risk of metabolic syndrome are encouraged to receive health guidance.


Consultation points Internal and external consultation points for specific issue types are provided so that employees can feel safe and confident in seeking help and advice.



E-learning and seminars about women’s health issues E-learning and seminars are provided for all employees, for all female employees, and for managers to promote understanding of women’s health issues.
Cognitive function measurement events Cognitive function and brain age measurement events are held to help employees maintain their cognitive function.
(In FY2024/03, these events were offered to employees aged 55 and above.)
Ocular health seminars Online seminars are offered for employees to learn about ocular health and dealing with eyestrain.





My Health Challenge Employees select a healthy behavior challenge based on their own health needs and try to complete it by practicing a healthy behavior over a 12-week period. During the period of the program, workplace talks on themes related to the challenges are held to encourage participants and help them keep up their efforts.
Internal health information portal site An internal health information portal site for employees offers seasonal information about health and dealing with stress in monthly updates, including video and other materials.
Job level-specific training Training on mental and physical wellness is included in the internal training for newly appointed leaders and supervisors.
Interviews with employees requiring specific stress Public health nurses interview employees in positions that are particularly susceptible to stress, such as recently transferred employees, new hires, employees transferred overseas or returned to Japan, and employees who travel often for business (120 days or more per year).
Interviews with employees working excessive¥ hours Employees who work more than 80 hours of overtime in a month are required to meet with an occupational physician. Employees who work more than 45 hours of overtime in a month may meet with an occupational physician by request.

Investment amount for individual measures of health management

 Approximately 11.8 million yen
(The fiscal year ended March 31, 2024)


  • Expenditures for vaccination of the flu
  • Expenditures for stress check
  • Expenditures for external EAP outsourcing
  • Expenditures for wellness measures based on the nine wellness promotion tenets etc.      

Promoting health and productivity management externally

The SCREEN Group is rolling out certain wellness measures for partner companies, including exercises to prevent lower back pain, healthy menu options, and vegetable intake measurement events. In addition, we provide e-learning materials about secondhand smoke as part of requests to partner companies for their cooperation in making all business sites smoke-free.
Furthermore, the SCREEN Group externally shares information about its health and productivity management initiatives through measures including exchanging information with other companies engaged in such initiatives and taking part in related seminars.

Seminars appearances in FY2025/03
• September 2024: Health and productivity management meet up in Osaka, hosted by Pasona Inc.
• September 2024: Occupational health and safety study and discussion session, hosted by the Kyoto Industrial Association

External evaluation

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) select companies listed on the TSE in recognition of outstanding health-conscious management  as "Health & Productivity Stock Selection." SCREEN was selected for the first time in 2024.
In addition, we were certified as a "2024 Health and Productivity Management Organization: White 500" for practicing excellent health management, under the certification program jointly sponsored by METI and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council), in 2024.
