Corporate Governance Structure
Basic Structure
SCREEN Holdings takes the form of a company with a Board of Corporate Auditors. At present, it has a Board of Directors comprising 8 directors (including 4 outside directors) and a Board of Corporate Auditors comprising 4 corporate auditors (including 2 outside corporate auditors) as well as external accounting auditors. The Group has adopted a holding company structure split into four main business areas, each under a separate Business Operating Company, to enable agile and bold business execution. The Holding company determines the basic policies and strategies for Group management as well as the optimal allocation of management resources. In addition, it has management oversight over the business execution of each Group company, ensuring the functional segregation of business execution and oversight.
Duties of the Board of Directors
- The Board determines basic policies and strategies for the Group management and important matters in business execution and exercises supervision over business execution, holding regular monthly meetings and additional meetings as necessary.
- It includes more than one-third of outside directors with the aim of functional enhancement of management oversight and the maintenance of management objectivity. Outside directors are selected following SCREEN Holding’s “Criteria for Independence of Outside Directors and Outside Corporate Auditors.”
- The Company undertakes an annual evaluation of the Board of Directors in terms of its effectiveness and discloses a summary of its results, hearing analysis and evaluation conducted by third-party organization. Please see “Summary of Results of Evaluation of the Board of Directors’ Effectiveness.”
Corporate Auditors and the Board of Corporate Auditors
- The corporate auditors and the Board of Corporate Auditors recognize their fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders, legally monitor the business execution of directors from an independent objective standpoint and exercise oversight to ensure appropriateness through daily audits.
- The Board of Corporate Auditors holds two regular meetings per month and additional meetings as necessary.
- Regarding the nomination of candidates for corporate auditor positions, candidates are selected in accordance with SCREEN Holding’s “Criteria for Appointing Candidates for Corporate Auditors” and approved by the Board of Directors after seeking the advice of the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee as well as upon obtaining the agreement of the Board of Corporate Auditors.
- Outside directors are selected in accordance with SCREEN Holding’s “Criteria for Independence of Outside Directors and Outside Corporate Auditors.”
Executive Officer System
The Group has introduced the executive officer system in order to accelerate business execution and clarify responsibility. Executive officers effectively execute their duties in accordance with the basic policies and strategies determined by the Board.
Management Committee
The Management Committee, comprising the full-time directors, presidents of business operating companies and functional support companies, and officers whom Chairman of the Committee appoints, meets more than once a month to deliberate matters related to management and to facilitate the decision making of the Board of Directors and representative directors.
Corporate Governance Structure

Click on the following links to access PDF files of relevant documents
- Criteria for Independence of Outside Directors and Outside Corporate Auditors
- Summary of Results of Evaluation of the Board of Directors’ Effectiveness
- Criteria for Appointing Candidates for Directors and Corporate Auditors, and for Dismissing Directors
Group Governance Structure within Holding Company Structure
SCREEN has adopted a holding company structure made up of separate business operating companies to enable agile and bold business execution. SCREEN Holdings (HD) determines the basic policies and strategies for Group management as well as the optimal allocation of management resources. In addition, it has management oversight over the business execution of each Group company, ensuring the functional segregation of business execution and oversight.
The business operating companies have also adopted a corporate officer system that aims to clarify the responsibilities and roles of officers as well as to secure a management structure capable of quickly adapting to changes in the operating environment. In addition, each of these companies maintains a management committee to deliberate matters related to management and facilitate the decision making of the Board of Directors and representative directors.