In line with the basic policy of “establishment of a friendly environment for people and our planet” set forth in the CSR Charter and the Code of Conduct, we strive to contribute to decarbonization and the realization of sustainable development based on a sound material cycle and harmony with nature. To this end, we have set targets for reducing environmental impact through our business activities in Sustainable Value 2026 and are implementing a variety of initiatives to meet them.
We comprehensively manage environmental risks and opportunities, such as climate change, stricter environmental regulations around the world, and growing needs for products with low environmental impact. Specific efforts toward this include certification and management under ISO 14001 for the environment and ISO 50001 for energy. Specifically, the Group EHS Committee and its subcommittees share environmental issues and problems and make continuous improvements to resolve them, while the CSR Committee reviews progress. The Group Risk Management Committee manages risks, including environmental risks, and advances initiatives on a group-wide basis.

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