Conserve Biodiversity
We in the SCREEN Group are aware that various aspects of people’s daily lives, including food, healthcare, and water supply, are supported by ecosystem services enabled by biodiversity. We value protecting biodiversity to create a sustainable society that develops in harmony with nature.
SCREEN Forest (Kyoto Model Forest Initiative)
The SCREEN Group has joined the Kyoto Model Forest Initiative,*1 a project dedicated to protecting and cultivating regional forests, and is providing funds to support forest maintenance work. Since 2018, we have been paying the cost of maintaining an approximately 53 hectare block of forest in the Miyagawa district of Miyazaki Town, Kameoka City. Group employees have also taken part in planned volunteer activities to help maintain the area.
Recognizing that the Group benefits greatly from the surrounding forests, we are in full support of Kyoto Prefecture’s forest conservation efforts. We cooperate in such activities and do our part in mitigating global warming.
May 20, 2023
*1 An initiative in which people in Kyoto who enjoy the blessings of forests work together to protect and nurture forests there. Kyoto Prefecture has been pushing forward with these activities by establishing the Ordinance for Protection of Rich Greenery in 2005. The Kyoto Model Forest Association was founded in November 2006 to lead the initiative (and turned into a public interest incorporated association in November 2009).
Kyoto Life and Culture Collaborative Rejuvenation Project
SCREEN Holdings is headquartered in Kyoto, an area rich in nature, culture, and history. We work to boost employees’ awareness of the natural environment and traditional culture surrounding us, and we contribute to local communities through biodiversity conservation activities. In December 2017, we joined the Kyoto Life and Culture Collaborative Rejuvenation Project,*2 run by the city of Kyoto, as its 18th certified member.
Since then, we have been growing more than 10 rare species of plants, including two near-threatened species designated by the Ministry of the Environment — Eupatorium japonicum (Fujibakama) and Chrysanthemum seticuspe (Kikutanigiku) — in green spaces on the head office premises. The Asarum caulescens Maxim. (Futabaaoi) we grow here are presented as offerings to the annual Aoi Matsuri festival in Kyoto.
Green space on the head office premises
*2 The project is designed to preserve and rehabilitate living things that have played a role in local festivals and traditional culture. Kyoto City certifies the activities of project members and sends experts to support their efforts.