Board of Directors

As of June 21, 2024

      Significant Concurrent Positions
Director Chairman
Member of the Board
Eiji Kakiuchi Outside Director, KYOCERA Corporation
Member of the Board
Chief Executive
Officer (CEO)
Toshio Hiroe  
Senior Managing Director
Member of the Board
Chief Financial
Officer (CFO)
Yoichi Kondo  
Member of the Board
Yoshihisa Ishikawa  
Director (Outside)
Member of the Board
Hidemi Takasu Outside Director, Samco Inc.
Director (Outside)
Member of the Board
Hiroko Okudaira Associate professor, Doshisha University Graduate School of Business
Director (Outside)
Member of the Board
Seiji Narahara Chairman and Director, TOYOBO CO., LTD.
Director (Outside)
Member of the Board
Fumikazu Sato Professor of Kyushu University Institute of Mathematics for Industry and Specially Appointed Professor of Tohoku University Center for Co-Creation Strategy
Senior Corporate Auditor Hirofumi Ota  
Corporate Auditor Masao Tomonaga  
Corporate Auditor (Outside) Tetsuo Kikkawa President and Attorney-at-Law, Kyoto Mirai Law Firm
Corporate Auditor (Outside) Seiji Yokoyama Certified Public Accountant
Substitute Corporate
Auditor (Outside)
Tomoyuki Ito Attorney-at-Law, Ashida Law Office
Corporate Officer Senior Managing Executive Officer Masato Goto  
Managing Executive Officer Junji Otsuka  
Managing Executive Officer Masaki Yoshioka  
Senior Executive Officer Masahiro Joshi  
Senior Executive Officer Hirofumi Yoshino  
Senior Executive Officer Yasuhito Shiraishi  
Senior Executive Officer Yoshiyuki Higuchi  
Senior Executive Officer Akihiko Miyagawa  
Executive Officer Masato Momota  
Executive Officer Yasutoshi Okuno  
Executive Officer Yoshihide Higaki  
Executive Officer Itaru Hatanaka  
Executive Officer Tetsuya Ito  
Executive Officer Chiho Otobe  
Executive Officer Masahiko Kokubo  

Duties of Directors and Their appointment

  • The principal duty of the directors is “to recognize their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders and assume the responsibility of sustainably enhancing the SCREEN Group’s corporate value.”
  • SCREEN Holdings’ Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee is in place to ensure a highly transparent and objective process for appointing and dismissing candidates for director, corporate auditor and corporate officer positions, thereby strengthening the Board of Directors’ supervisory functions.
  • Regarding the nomination of candidates for director positions, candidates are selected in accordance with SCREEN Holding’s “Criteria for Appointing Candidates for Directors” and approved by the Board of Directors after seeking the advice of the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee, which includes outside directors (the majority) and the chairman of the Board of Directors.
  • Regarding the dismissal of directors, the Board of Directors may propose to dismiss an individual to whom one of “Criteria for Dismissing Directors” apply after seeking the advice of the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee. Dismissal of said individual is then finalized at the shareholders meeting based on a resolution passed by the Board of Directors. 

Click on the following links to access PDF files of relevant documents

Compensation for Directors and Corporate auditors

  • Compensation for directors and corporate auditors is determined by the Board of Directors after seeking the advice of the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee, which includes outside directors (the majority) and the chairman of the Board of Directors. The total amount of all directors’ compensation shall fall within the limits approved in the shareholders meeting. Compensation for corporate officers is decided by representative directors after seeking the advice of the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee.
  • In addition, SCREEN Holdings abolished its prior retirement benefit scheme in 2005 and adopted stock allowances aimed at encouraging recipients to stay conscious of SCREEN Holdings’ medium- to long-term corporate performance and share prices. Moreover, the 76th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 27, 2017, approved the introduction of performance-linked share compensation, which then replaced stock allowances and has been in place since August 2017.
  • Accordingly, compensation for directors and corporate officers now consists of three elements: (a) basic remuneration for fixed cash payment, (b) a short-term performance-linked cash bonus, and (c) share compensation linked with the short- and medium- to long-term performance, and corporate value (shareholder’s value). This compensation scheme better motivates recipients to improve business performance and to increase the medium- to long-term Company’s value (shareholder’s value). The well-balanced scheme allows to develop management personnel, resulting in the sustainable growth of the Company. (Outside directors’ compensation does not include performance-linked share compensation.)

Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee

SCREEN Holdings’ Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee is in place to ensure a highly transparent and objective process for appointing and dismissing candidates for director, corporate auditor and corporate officer positions and determining compensation for these individuals. The committee includes outside directors (the majority) and the chairman of the Board of Directors.

Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee Members

Director (Outside) Hidemi Takasu
Director (Outside) Hiroko Okudaira
Director (Outside) Seiji Narahara
Director (Outside) Fumikazu Sato
Member of the Board
Eiji Kakiuchi