We strive to give our shareholders and investors a greater understanding of the SCREEN Group by communicating about our management, business, and financial position in a clear, accurate, and timely manner. Feedback from shareholders and investors is shared with management, including the Board of Directors, as appropriate to help maximize corporate value.


Disclosure Policy

Based on the principle of “Appropriate Disclosure of Company Information” laid out in the SCREEN Group CSR Charter, the SCREEN Group has established and published the SCREEN Group Disclosure Policy, aimed at helping shareholders, investors, and all stakeholders to better understand the Group. The disclosure policy serves as a foundation for efforts to ensure that disclosure is transparent, fair, ongoing, timely, and appropriate.
Aiming to promote constructive engagement with shareholders and investors, the SCREEN Group properly discloses information likely to be of use in furthering their understanding of the Group, including information not required by such laws and regulations as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or by the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE).

Opportunities for Dialogue through IR Activities

We hold IR meetings and conferences following earnings announcements, with our CEO, CFO, executive officers, IR manager, and other members of management joining as speakers. We also hold dialogues with the voting representatives of institutional investors focused on ESG-related themes. 
In the interest of fair disclosure, beginning with the earnings presentation for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, we now provide simultaneous interpretation at such events, coupled with transcript distribution service, in Japanese and English. We have also been posting video records of earnings presentations on our website as part of ongoing efforts to broaden our range of disclosure materials and enhance timeliness. Moreover, we send questionnaires to institutional investors and analysts once a year to identify where we can improve the quality of our IR activities.
In 2024, we once again provided an online live stream of the proceedings of the 83rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (June 21, 2024) as well as the management briefing held the same day. 
Going forward, we will continue working to build good relations with our investors through IR activities, focusing on maintaining an appropriate share price and balanced shareholder portfolio.

Dialogue-based IR Activities (FY2024/03)

  • Earnings presentations by CEO, CFO, etc.: 4
  • Meetings with domestic and overseas institutional investors and analysts: Approximately 360
  • IR roadshow: 1 (Europe)
  • Overseas institutional investor conferences: 15
  • Shareholder engagement aimed at voting representatives: 8
  • Corporate briefings for non-institutional investors: 2
  • Factory tours for institutional investors and analysts: 8
  • IR day: 1