Safety and Health Initiatives
In line with the basic policy of Respect for Human Rights and Friendly Work Environment set forth in the SCREEN Group CSR Charter / Group Code of Conduct, we endeavor to provide employees with safe and healthy workplace environments, and we comply with all relevant occupational accident prevention-related laws, regulations and rules. In light of environmental changes, such as the increasingly complex employee health management due to diversifying employment formats and rising operational safety risks due to products that are increasingly large in size, we aim to achieve specific targets in Sustainable Value 2023 with an eye to realizing safe and healthy workplaces where people can work safely.
Wellness Initiatives
Reducing Occupational Accidents
Promotion System
The Group EHS Committee is composed of the Chief Officer of Sustainability Promotion, who serves as the EHS management supervisor, and the Director in Charge of General Affairs and Human Resources Strategy, who serves as the EHS assistant management supervisor, plus the HD and Japanese SCREEN Group EHS administrator and director of the EHS secretariat. The committee works to achieve continuous improvement and is responsible for approving Group companies’ targets and action plans, reviewing progress and issues, and issuing improvement instructions, as well as conducting management reviews.
In FY2023, the Group EHS Committee met three times. The results of these meetings were reported to and discussed by the CSR Committee, headed by SCREEN’s CEO, after which they were also reported to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.
In addition, the initiatives of the Group EHS Committee and its subcommittees are shared and discussed at the Safety and Health-related Labor-Management Union Meeting, which is held every year with representatives of the labor union. Labor and management work together to promote initiatives aimed at establishing safe and healthy work environments.
Metrics and Targets
For Group companies and cooperating companies in Japan, under Sustainable Value 2023, we set targets for zero occupational accidents resulting in four or more lost work days and for reducing the number of “occupational accident points” accumulated in the Group’s proprietary occupational accident rating system, which assigns points relative to the number of lost work days and accident severity. In FY2023, the number of occupational accidents causing lower back pain and repetitive motion injuries has risen amid a huge increase in the volume of shipments, and we were unable to meet our target. In particular, there were many accidents involving employees of cooperating companies and workers with little experience. By removing hazards and conducting educational activities, we will continue strengthening initiatives aimed at reducing accidents. Moreover, there still have not been any deaths or serious accidents, and we have managed to keep the occupational accident frequency below the industry average.
* More detailed data on safety and health can be found in Sustainability Data or the Sustainability Data Book 2023.
● Number of occupational accidents resulting in four or more lost work days
Target for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 : 0 accidents
Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023: 12 accidents (SCREEN Group in Japan: 3, Cooperating companies in Japan: 9)
Boundary: SCREEN Group in Japan and cooperating companies in Japan
● Occupational accident points
An indicator original to the Group that reflects the severity (number of lost working days and disability grade) of occupational accidents that occur.
Target for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 : 250 points or less
Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023: 930 points
(SCREEN Group in Japan: 290 points, Cooperating companies in Japan: 640 points)
Boundary: SCREEN Group in Japan and cooperating companies in Japan
*Ranging from 10 points for “an accident with no disability or lost work day” to 600 points for “an accident with disability grade between 1 to 7 and lost work days of 1 month or more.” A death is 1,000 points.
● Number of injuries or deaths from occupational accidents per one million hours of work
Boundary: HD, SPE, GA, FT, PE, AS, IP
Management of Occupational Accidents and Incidents
We work to ensure employee safety and health in our business activities by implementing an occupational safety and health management system that conforms to ISO 45001. For development, manufacturing, equipment installation and various other cases, we implement risk assessments and advance safety verifications to prevent work-related injuries and accidents. In addition, we ensure the operational safety of employees through independent training and qualification certification systems, including those related to the handling of heavy objects.
In the event of a workplace accident or incident involving an employee of a Group company or cooperating company operating under contract, we use the Incident Report System, which is a unique accident and incident reporting system developed by SCREEN, to comprehensively manage every aspect of the response from receiving initial reports to analyzing the causes of the incident and completing subsequent corrective measures.From FY2023, we expanded the operation of this system to overseas Group companies as we strive to globally manage occupational accidents and incidents.
Corrective measures and reports of accidents and incidents are mainly handled by the EHS administrator established in each company based on the responsibilities and authority defined in noncompliance and corrective measure rules. They are then reported to the EHS management supervisor. Corrective measures, including activities to prevent recurrences, are announced and rolled out across the Group as necessary, reaching beyond the departments they originate from.
Initiatives Aimed at Reducing Occupational Accidents
The number of occupational accidents and accident points have remained consistently high due, in part, to a significant rise in shipment volumes, which have expanded workloads and the number of both SCREEN and cooperating company employees engaged in this work. In view of these circumstances, we are taking a multifaceted approach to strengthening our response so we can reduce the number of accidents and achieve our targets.
● Safety patrols by EHS management supervisor
From FY2023, patrols are being conducted by the EHS administrators of business operating companies and the Chief Officer of Sustainability Promotion, who serves as the EHS management supervisor. The patrols are being steadily rolled out to companies and worksites where we are concerned that occupational accidents could occur, with the purpose of sharing problems and removing hazards in advance.
● Monthly monitoring by EHS-related officers
Such relevant officers Such relevant officers as the Chief Officer of Sustainability Promotion, who serves as the EHS management supervisor, and the Director in Charge of General Affairs and Human Resources Strategy, who serves as the EHS assistant management supervisor, hold monthly meetings to report and discuss risk mitigation measures as well as subsequent responses to occupational accidents and incidents that occurred in line with the commitment of senior management.
● Strengthening occupational safety and health education
Every year, Every year, we roll out awareness-raising initiatives in the form of safety and health education for new and mid-career hires and provide e-learning that offers a basic general education in EHS. In addition to various types of education based on roles and hierarchy, we are striving to ensure safety by introducing unique educational and qualification certification systems such as the handling of heavy objects for employees involved in specific work. To promote and expand effective safety measures on the front lines, we focus on nurturing risk assessors and EHS experts.
● Preventing serious occupational accidents and incidents through close calls
From the perspective of preventing serious occupational accidents and incidents, we encourage our employees to proactively report cases of close calls. We take countermeasures in consideration of these reports.