Key issues |
Targets for the final year (FY2027/03) |
Initiatives |
Reduce GHG emissions from business activities (Scope 1, 2) |
- 70% reduction compared with FY2019/03 (absolute volume)
15,170 metric tons CO2e
- Advance the use of renewable energy at facilities
- Consider solar power generation and power storage equipment, etc.
Reduce energy usage in business activities |
- 8% reduction compared with FY2019/03 (per unit of net sales)
367 kWh/million yen
- Continue advancing the adoption of energy-saving facilities
Reduce GHG emissions from the use of sold products
(Scope 3 category 11) |
- 48% reduction compared with FY2019/03 (per unit of gross profit)
13.5 metric tons CO2e/million yen
- Develop businesses with high added environmental value
Provide products with excellent energy-saving performance |
- Sales from Super Green Products: 3%
- Promote the adaptation of mainstay products into Super Green Products
Realize societies in harmony with nature |
- Reinforce biodiversity-related initiatives
- Implement employee education and external communications
- Cooperate with local communities
Reduce the volume of waste generated |
- 8% reduction compared with FY2019/03 (per unit of net sales)
4.36 kg/million yen
- Expand efforts to turn waste materials into valuable materials company-wide
- Continue to reduce waste generated
Promote effective water use |
- Water withdrawal: 8% reduction compared with FY2019/03 (per unit of net sales)
5.31 m3/million yen
- Reinforce water resource management in product development and manufacturing
Comply with product regulations |
- Virgin PFAS usage:
15% reduction compared with FY2024/03
- Make effective use of recycled materials
- Reinforce coordination in the supply chain
Reinforce environmental invention |
- Create environmental inventions that contribute to environmental impact reduction
- Promote the creation and IP formalization of environmental inventions through business activities
Increase the number of female employees and the rate of female employees in management positions |
- Women among new graduate hires: 20% or more
- Management positions held by women: 5% or more
- Offer discussion sessions for female students in STEM fields and expand internship opportunities
- Improve work environments to be accommodating of women in management positions and support their promotion
Promote the employment of people with disabilities |
- Employees with disabilities: 2.7% or more
- Expand Parte (in-house organization for the employment of people with disabilities)
Promote employee wellness |
- Strive toward stress-free workplaces
- Coordinate with work style reform and other personnel measures
Prevent occupational accidents |
- Occupational accidents: 33% reduction compared with FY2024/03
- Promote data-driven measures and safety education for employees to change mindsets
Prevent IT incidents |
- Catastrophic (level 2-equivalent for the Group) information incidents and accidents: 0
- Develop and apply rules and guidelines according to the danger level of group risks
- Expand training to enhance the capabilities of the Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT)
- Increase personnel with relevant certifications
Maintain and strengthen IT security |
- NIST SP 800-171 Level 2 (Advanced)-compliant
- Improve information security policies
- Expand dedicated security organization
- Implement both rules- and technology-based measures
- Implement group and supplier evaluations
Reinforce BCP globally |
- Promote BCP at subsidiaries of business operating companies
- Visit group companies, implement on-site surveys, and hold workshops
Reinforce BCP in the supply chain |
- Promote dialogue with suppliers based on risk analysis
- Implement measures in cooperation with business operating companies
Promote social responsibility in the supply chain |
- Expand conflict mineral survey coverage: 120 companies
- Build momentum through supply chain communication
Enhance disclosure |
- Respond to demands for and enhance ESG-related disclosure
- Identify critical issues and respond to requests