The SCREEN Group holds an annual Sustainable Value Award for all Group companies in Japan and overseas, with the aim of improving sustainable value. In the second award ceremony, which was held in FY2023, we honored nine excellent activities, including two gold awards, from among 18 entries.
Significance and Purpose of the Award
1. Striving to promote, raise awareness of, and engrain Sustainable Value
2. Broadly recognizing activities to achieve Sustainable Value that have achieved some results and striving to further revitalize and level up activities
3. Raising awareness among each employee as well as raising the recognition of Sustainable Value and enhancing employee motivation to participate
Gold Award
●Reduction of industrial waste by turning waste plastic into valuable material and constructing a Group recycling system
●Development of water-based catalyst ink for use in hydrogen production
ESG Initiatives for Becoming a Sustainable Corporation
The SCREEN Group is constantly working to improve our Sustainable Value (social value) so that we can better contribute to the sustainable development of society. Based on this guiding principle, we have formulated Sustainable Value 2023, a medium-term management plan and been addressing climate changes and the social issues identified by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a solution creator, we aim to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities by meeting the expectations and earning the trust of diverse stakeholders, and also realize sustainable society through our businesses. To do so, we are striving to proactively deploy various initiatives that emphasize the environment, social and governance (ESG).
E (Environment) Reduce environmental impact through business
● Reduce CO2 emissions by lowering energy consumption and environmental impact based on the SBTi*1 framework and contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through our business
Scope 1 and Scope 2 target : 35.4 (thousand metric tons CO2e)
Reduce CO2 emissions from business activities by 30%
by 2030 compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019
Scope 3 target : 2,082 (thousand metric tons CO2e)
Reduce CO2 emissions from the use of sold products by 20%
by 2030 compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019
● Contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society through conservation of water resources, reduction of wastes, and response to environmentally regulated substances
S (Social) Create a great place to work and involve in solving social issues
● Implement new, sustainable working styles, as well as develop and strengthen systems and environments conducive to the growth of, and greater participation by, a more diverse workforce
● Pursue industry-academia-government collaborations, which contribute to the creation of innovations that address the diverse challenges facing society, and undertake social contribution activities that facilitate the development of local communities
G (Governance) Strengthen risk management and business continuity plan
● Accurately identify risk issues and implement Group risk management to prevent or minimize these issues’ negative impact on corporate value
● Strengthen supply chain management based on the RBA*2 Code of Conduct
● Improve the resilience of the Group BCP structure in the face of increasingly diverse disaster risks
*1 SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative): An international initiative to combat global warming, which calls for the establishment of scientifically based CO2 emission-reduction targets
*2 RBA (Responsible Business Alliance ): An alliance encompassing the electronic device, IT, toy, and automotive industries, which establishes rules and regulations related
to human rights, health and safety, ethics, the environment, and other concerns