SCREEN Holdings has announced a Declaration of Partnership Building in support of the objectives of the Council on Promoting Partnership Building for Cultivating the Future.* A company can make a Declaration of Partnership Building under the name of a corporate representative to publicly announce that it seeks to build new partnerships by working together with supply chain companies and other value creating businesses for co-existence and co-prosperity.
Efforts in Procurement
The SCREEN Group conducts fair and equitable procurement activities in accordance with our procurement policy. The Group is working with suppliers to reduce environmental impacts in line with the Group’s Green Procurement Standards and to promote responsible sourcing of minerals.
To ensure stable procurement of components, the Group continues to enhance preparedness for supply chain business continuity by diversifying procurement sources and upgrading IT systems.
Procurement Policy
Based on "Open and fair Trade" as a basic policy, we are developing procurement activities that are conscious of "partnership" and "CSR procurement".
By "visualizing" the process of determining the supplier, we are realizing a swift and fair deal. We regularly conduct seminars on subcontracting laws for person in charge of purchase on the Group, conduct voluntary inspections, and thoroughly observe the subcontracting law. We are thoroughly in compliance even in purchasing professional education.
Meanwhile, we are working to strengthen our supply chain in an effort to prevent supply disruptions in the event of major disasters and other contingencies.
◆ Open and Fair Trade: Pursue Fair and Equitable Procurement Activities
On the principle of fair, equitable, and free competition on the international basis, we seek out a wide range of excellent suppliers, evaluate and select suppliers from the viewpoint of quality, cost, delivery schedule, risk management, technical capability, environment, etc. We are also willing to consider proposals from our suppliers.
◆ Partnership: Promote Mutual Growth Based on Mutual Trust
We believe that close communication is essential to building better partnership with suppliers. We endeavor to promote mutual growth through sound business based on mutual trust.
◆ CSR Procurement: Efforts of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
As our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility, we have established the SCREEN Supplier Code of Conduct for suppliers, and ask them to contribute to the development of supply chains.
◆ Green Procurement: Reduce Environmental Impacts
When procuring components, materials, units, and other parts, we ask suppliers to submit a statement of agreement and undertake initiatives to reduce their environmental impact.
Green Procurement Standards
The SCREEN Group conducts fair and equitable procurement activities in accordance with our procurement policy. The Group is working with suppliers to reduce environmental impacts in line with the Group’s Green Procurement Standards and to promote responsible sourcing of minerals.
To ensure stable procurement of components, the Group continues to enhance preparedness for supply chain business continuity by diversifying procurement sources and upgrading IT systems.
1. Suppliers are required to submit the "Memorandum of Understanding to the SCREEN Group's Environmental Initiative".
2. Suppliers are required to have some sort of environmental management system initiative.
3. Suppliers are required to provide us with information on the chemical contents in the products they sell to the SCREEN Group, as well as the amounts of these chemicals present.
4. Suppliers are required to submit the "Declaration of Non-Use of Prohibited Substances".
Green Procurement Standards | 17th ed. |
Table 1: List of the Declarable Substances |
17th ed. |
Appendix 1: Declaration of Non-Use of Prohibited Substances(1) |
2nd ed. |
Appendix 2: Declaration of Non-Use of Prohibited Substances(2) |
2nd ed. |
Appendix 3: Memorandum of Understanding to the Environmental Initiative |
3rd ed. |
Appendix 4: Green Procurement Environmental Conservation Activity Questionnaire |
Responsible Sourcing of Minerals
To avoid participation in human rights violations, environmental degradation, and other activities with negative impacts, we do not accept raw materials containing conflict minerals. Suppliers of components containing specific minerals are also asked to respond to surveys using the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT), which is offered by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI).
With the continued understanding and cooperation of suppliers, we will continue to expand the scope of the surveys and the confirmation of avoidance of conflict minerals in an effort to realize responsible sourcing of minerals throughout the supply chain.
Stable Procurement
Based on lessons learned from large-scale disasters and supply chain interruptions, we endeavor to put in place production systems that complement production sites as well as parts suppliers in Japan and elsewhere, in order to prevent significant damage to our business.
With regard to critical parts that have limited suppliers, we are taking a double-track approach by promoting substitution with generic alternatives or access to more than one supplier. At the same time, in order to maintain stable parts procurement, we share long-term forecasts and other information with suppliers and work to exclude parts that have limited suppliers during the design stage. We have improved our IT systems, including those in the supply chain, to increase the speed and reliability of our incident management plans (IMP) and business continuity plans (BCP).
Declaration of Partnership Building

* The framework for the Declaration of Partnership Building was established in a council consisting of related cabinet ministers (a minister from the Cabinet Office; Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; and Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary), Chairman of Keidanren, Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and President of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO).