Doc. No.: NR250123E

Kyoto, Japan – January 23, 2025 –SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SCREEN”) has formulated a decarbonization strategy that aims for its business activities to become carbon neutral by 2050. As part of this effort, SCREEN has been promoting the introduction of electricity derived from renewable sources. SCREEN has now achieved the milestone of 100% renewable electricity*1 usage at the business sites in Japan*2.

By the fiscal year ended March 2024, SCREEN had completed the introduction of renewable electricity at the head office, Hikone, Taga, and Monzennakacho business sites. Subsequently, the introduction was progressively extended to the Kumiyama, Rakusai, Takaoka and Yasu business sites. As a result, from January 2025, SCREEN has enabled to achieve 100% renewable electricity usage at its domestic sites.

This achievement has increased the usage rate of renewable energy electricity to over 80%*3 of the electricity used globally*4, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by around 40,000 metric tons*5 every year.

SCREEN will continue to expand the use of renewable electricity across its operations globally and further policies for energy conservation and energy generation while redoubling its efforts to combat climate change.

*1. In addition to in-house solar facilities, it includes the procurement of electricity with added environmental value, such as RE100,
     which the electricity bundled with non-fossil certificates (NFCs).
*2. Refers to the business operating companies and the eight domestic sites of SCREEN Holdings: Head office, Rakusai, Kumiyama,
     Yasu, Hikone, Taga, Takaoka, and Monzennakacho sites.
*3. Renewable electricity as a percentage of total electricity use.
*4. Refers to consolidated subsidiaries included as aggregation targets in our Sustainability Data Book.
*5. Estimated reduction is calculated based on the Group’s global electricity use in the year ended March 31, 2024.

Contact about this News

SCREEN Holdings Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-75-414-7131  URL:

Information contained in the news release are current on the date of publication, but may be subject to change without notice.