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TRUST Network Service

TRUST Network Service

Advanced IoT Solutions Maximize Performance
at Production Sites That Demand Optimal Effciency

Solving Client Problems Is Our Core Mission
The Internet of things (IoT) has quickly become a key factor in industry, triggering major advances in business innovation across a wide range of areas. It has underpinned the development of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing sector and self-driving vehicles in the automotive field. The IoT connects many different types of physical objects (things) to the Internet, allowing the accumulation of vast quantities of data, known as big data. It allows companies to gain an in-depth understanding of various aspects of the issues potentially affecting customers. However, it is important to interpret the gathered data so it holds value from a customer’s perspective and represents knowhow that can be used to solve relevant problems.
At SCREEN, we are proud of our achievements as a comprehensive manufacturer of graphic arts equipment.
We have more than 70 years of experience in solving the challenges facing the printing industry and have built a relationship of deep trust with our clients. Our goal is to integrate the practical expertise gained over many years of working at the forefront of graphic arts development with the dramatic opportunities for connectivity provided by the new IoT.
Harnessing the knowledge available from the big data generated by current equipment and services will enable us to bring new offerings to market. It is these products and services that will support the continuing success of our clients.