Privacy Policy

1. Policies and Practices Regarding the Protection of Personal Information

Basic policy

SCREEN respects personal information and is deeply aware that it constitutes important information relating to privacy. When handling personal information in the course of business activities, SCREEN shall respect personal rights and privileges by having all directors and employees of SCREEN comply with the personal information-related laws of Japan as well as internal company regulations stipulated to safeguard personal information, as well as live up to the trust and expectations for SCREEN and fulfill its corporate responsibilities.

Handling of personal information

  1. Collection of Personal Information
    When collecting personal information, SCREEN shall publicly announce the purpose, or notify the customer of the purpose, of the use of that information.
  2. Use of Personal Information
    Unless otherwise permitted by law, SCREEN shall not use personal information for any purpose other than that for which SCREEN has obtained consent. If the publicly-announced or notified purpose of use is changed, SCREEN shall announce or notify the customers of the change and use the relevant personal information based upon the consent of the customer.
  3. Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
    SCREEN shall neither disclose nor provide personal information to any third parties unless SCREEN obtains the prior consent of the customer or it is required by law
  4. Measures To Keep Personal Information Secure
    SCREEN shall maintain internal company regulations and take reasonable security measures to protect personal information from being lost, leaked, destroyed, modified or illegally accessed. Furthermore, SCREEN shall provide education to its employees regarding the handling of personal information, conclude an agreement concerning the handling of personal information and/or security measures therefor with outsourcing contractors, and manage personal information in an appropriate manner.
  5. Inquiries From Customers Concerning Personal Information
    SCREEN shall establish an inquiry service office to answer any inquiries concerning the handling of personal information. Furthermore, if SCREEN receives a request from a data subject or his/her authorized representative for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use, revision, addition, deletion, suspension of use, removal, as well as suspension of provision to third parties of the personal information retained by SCREEN, SCREEN shall take reasonable measures to provide the necessary response.

2. Provisions Regarding Public Announcement of the Purpose of Use for Personal Information

2-1. How We Use Personal Information

SCREEN shall use the personal information collected from customers, clients and stockholders of SCREEN (“Customers”) for the business activities stated below as well as within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use stated below. Any personal information collected from a Customer based on consent for a publicly-announced or notified purpose of use shall be used within the scope of the purpose. Please note that the personal information collected and retained by SCREEN prior to March 31, 2005 shall be also used within the scope of the purposes of use stated below.

Business Activities

  1. Manufacture and sales of Graphic arts equipment business as well as the administrative business associated with the foregoing.
  2. Other business stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation and other administrative business associated therewith.

Purposes of Use

  1. To promote and sell the products (including product inventory) and various services of SCREEN and its group companies (including affiliates) as well as to introduce their services;
  2. To confirm the identity of Customers or their authorized representatives;
  3. To perform administrative work related to transactions with Customers (including administrative work involved with sales, purchasing, charges and payments);
  4. To conduct new product development as well as marketing activities for services;
  5. To properly conduct processing of personal information for business purposes in whole or in part as consigned by a third party;
  6. To manage Customer and product information;
  7. To conduct IR activities regarding SCREEN or its group companies;*
  8. To conduct business related to recruitment within SCREEN or its group companies;
  9. To conduct business related to purchasing and procurement activities; and
  10. To properly and satisfactorily execute other transactions with Customers.

2-2. Shared Use

SCREEN shall share Customers’ personal information as follows:

  1. Personal Information Shared
    Company name, address, office, affiliation, title, name, age, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.
  2. Range of Parties With Which SCREEN Shares Personal Information:
    Group companies, affiliates, joint researchers, special agents, agents, etc. of SCREEN
  3. Purposes of Use:
    Same as the “Purposes of Use” listed in Section 2-1 above.
  4. Name of the Person Responsible for Management of the Personal Information Shared:
    Same as the contact described in “5. Provisions Regarding Inquiries about "Personal Information"”


2-3. Provisions Regarding the Procedures for a "Request for Disclosure, etc."

SCREEN shall properly respond if a Customer requests notification or disclosure of the purpose of use, revision, addition, deletion, suspension of use, removal, as well as suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Disclosure, etc.") of the retained personal data* provided to SCREEN, in accordance with a request by the Customer or his/her authorized representative, under the laws and regulations of Japan. The personal information subject to disclosure shall be limited to the personal information SCREEN has the authority to disclose among the personal information retained by SCREEN.

  1. If SCREEN has previously obtained the consent of the Customer;
  2. If it is required by laws and regulations;
  3. If it is necessary in order to protect the life, physical health, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Customer;
  4. If it is particularly necessary in order to improve public health or to promote the healthy development of school children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Customer;
  5. If it is required to cooperate with a government organization or local government or a third party performing affairs consigned by them as stipulated in the law, and obtaining the consent of the Customer may interfere with the performance of the said affairs;
  6. If SCREEN consigns the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use;
  7. If personal information is transferred to a successor entity following the succession of a business due to a merger or other reasons; or
  8. If personal information is provided to the parties falling into the range of the parties for shared use listed in Section 2-2 above.

3. Provisions Regarding the Procedures for a "Request for Disclosure, etc."

SCREEN shall properly respond if a customer wishes to check, change, amend or stop the use (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Disclosure, etc.") of his/her personal information provided to us according to the customer's personal request, under the laws of Japan and the regulations. This provision is applied to only the customers residing in Japan.

*The retained personal data shall mean the personal information SCREEN has the authority to disclose under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Procedures for Disclosure, etc.

  1. The Customer shall fill in the necessary information in the prescribed “Personal Information Disclosure, etc. Request Form (PDF :72KB)” and send it to the contact set forth in “5. Provisions Regarding Inquiries about "Personal Information"” hereto. This request must be made in writing.


  2. When making a request, the Customer must include a copy of a government-issued identification document such as driver's license, passport, health insurance card, pension booklet, residence card, individual number card (front side only) etc. to confirm his/her identity. Note that any request for Disclosure, etc. by an authorized representative must be accompanied by the prescribed “Proxy (PDF :72KB)”, certificate of registered seal of the Customer (within 3 months from the date of issue) and identification document of the representative with the identification document of the Customer. If the authorized representative is a legal representative such as a person with parental authority, a transcript or abstract of the family register or a copy of the residence certificate may be submitted in lieu of the Proxy to clarify the relationship between the Customer and representative.


  3. After confirming his/her identity, SCREEN shall check the personal information of the Customer, handle it as necessary, and send the results to the Customer in a response letter. However, a response letter may not be sent if SCREEN provides a response on an interview basis.
  4. To prevent mailing errors, the response letter shall be sent to the address of the Customer using "Restricted Delivery Mail Service" provided by JAPAN POST Co., Ltd. The Customer shall be responsible for the postage fee of 612 yen (i.e., the postage fee of standard size domestic mail up to 25 g and Restricted Delivery Mail Service; the amount is subject to change) per response letter and must enclose postage stamps equivalent thereto with the necessary documents. However, if SCREEN takes appropriate measures and provides a response on an interview basis, not in a response letter, the postage fee above shall not be required.
  5. SCREEN shall use the personal information collected per the request for Disclosure, etc. within the scope necessary for the request for Disclosure, etc. only. The submitted documents shall be kept for an appropriate period of time after they are received and shall be destroyed thereafter.
  6. The personal information collected for the request for Disclosure, etc. may be provided to SCREEN’s group companies within the scope necessary for the request for Disclosure, etc.
  7. If any of the following applies, the information shall not be disclosed. If it is decided not to disclose the information, notification thereof with the reason therefor shall be given to the Customer.
    1. If the identity of the person cannot be confirmed because the information in the request form or the Proxy and the information in the identification documents do not match, or for other reasons;
    2. If the prescribed request form or the necessary documents are incomplete or imperfect;
    3. If there is no payment of return postage;
    4. If the requested information for Disclosure, etc. does not fall under the category of "retained personal data";
    5. If there is a risk that the life, physical health, property or other rights or privileges of the Customer or a third party may be harmed;
    6. If such disclosure will pose significant harm to the appropriate conduct of the business of SCREEN; or
    7. Any other justifications provided under the laws and regulations of Japan.
  8. The personal information collected per the request for Disclosure, etc. shall be used within the scope necessary for responding to such request only and be destroyed in an appropriate manner after a response is given. The documents submitted upon request for Disclosure, etc. including “Personal Information Disclosure, etc. Request Form”, Proxy and identification documents shall not be returned.
  9. SCREEN may contact the Customer or authorized representative by e-mail or telephone in connection with the request for Disclosure, etc.
  10. The procedures for request for Disclosure, etc. may be changed in whole or in part without notice. Any changes to the procedures shall be published on our website.

4. Measures for Secure Management of Website Information

SCREEN's handling of personal information collected on SCREEN's website or through user registration shall essentially follow the provisions above, and in particular comply with the following provisions.

  1. SCREEN shall manage and maintain personal information using a strict management system, and endeavor to take all possible measures to strengthen security so that personal information of Customers shall not be lost, destroyed, modified or leaked to third parties.
  2. SCREEN's website includes services that require Customers to register personal information. Details about the purposes of use for the registered personal information are shown on each business site that offers those services, and such details shall prevail.
  3. On the website of SCREEN, there are pages that use technology called "Cookies" to make it more convenient when Customers access the site again. "Cookies" are an industry standard technology that allows a server to recognize a Customer's computer. "Cookies" can recognize the Customer's computer but cannot recognize a Customer unless the Customer enters his/her personal information.
  4. SCREEN uses Google Analytics. More information about how Google Analytics is used by SCREEN can be found here:
    To provide website visitors with more choice on how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google have developed the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. The add-on communicates with the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that information about the website visit should not be sent to Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on does not prevent information from being sent to the website itself or to other web analytics services.

5. Provisions Regarding Inquiries about "Personal Information"

Inquiries, requests for Disclosure, etc. as well as complaints regarding personal information shall be directed to the contact below.

“Personal Information” Inquiries Office:
Tenjinkita-cho 1-1, Teranouchi-agaru 4-chome, Horikawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8585, Japan
SCREEN Graphic Solutions Co., Ltd.
“Personal Information” Inquiries Office