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Universal workflow

EQUIOS Rite is built on the innovative prepress systems established in Trueflow,combining a universal workflow concept with the latest technologies.
As a solution platform, EQUIOS Rite provides a major step forward in automation and ease of use in all stages from overall process design to imposition, as well as progress and quality management.


  • Latest RIP core improves stability of output resultsEQUIOS Rite incorporates Adobe’s latest RIP core, Adobe® PDF Print Engine, and the latest Adobe® PDF Library. It also includes PitStop for enhanced preflight
    PDFs with transparency effects are now processed directly with higher accuracy. Reproduction of line widths and colors composed of overprints has also been greatly improved.
  • sjc_e.pngSimple Job Controller streamlines processingAn iPad can be used to register and output printing instructions for jobs.
    These jobs can be registered as soon as their orders are received, which significantly improves efficiency. Anyone can create output instructions by designing templates for imposition and output in advance.
  • Hot folder operation supports rule-based automationAll required processes including input, trapping, imposition and output can be planned in advance as job templates for automatic execution. No changes are needed to the output settings even if the output destination or imposition pattern is revised.
  • Simple imposition design utilizes fold catalogsEQUIOS is compatible with CIP4 and is preloaded with EQUIOS standard fold catalogs. A variety of imposition patterns can be applied in a few simple steps. Changing the templates is also easy and there is no need to manage large numbers of similar layouts.