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  3. SCREEN Technology Forum 2023 in Kyoto



SCREEN Technology Forum 2023 in Kyoto

May 30, 2023



In appreciation of our ongoing collaboration with you, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting the SCREEN Technology Forum 2023.


The schedule for the event is as follows:

17:30~18:00  Registration

18:00~19:00  Technology Presentation*
*The keynote speaker for the event will be Naoto Horiguchi, PhD. from imec. His talk will be on the topic of "CMOS device scaling options and their impact on unit processes in the nanosheet era." Following by two more topics related to sustainability challenges.
- Wet Clean and Resist Process Technology for Device Z-scaling by Ian Brown, PhD., SCREEN
- SCREEN’s Activity to Reduce Environmental Impact by Takumi Mikawa, PhD., SCREEN

19:00~20:30  Networking Event (Stand-up Buffet)


To attend the event, please RSVP by Wednesday, June 7. You can do so by filling out the registration form at the following link

We have a capacity limit of 50 participants, so please RSVP early to secure your spot.


*The VLSI Symposium "Demo Session & Reception [SUZAK I+II+III] Monday, June 12, 17:30-19:30" will also be held at the same hotel during the same time. Our event is free to come and go as you please.


spe_info0529-2.pngNaoto Horiguchi, PhD.

Naoto Horiguchi is the director of CMOS device program in imec, Leuven, Belgium. He started his carrier in semiconductor device R&D in Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. in 1992. In 1992-1999, he was engaged in device R&D by using semiconductor nano structures in Fujitsu laboratories Ltd. and University of California, Santa Barbara. In 2000-2006, he was engaged in 90-45nm CMOS technology development in Fujitsu Ltd. From 2006, he is with imec, Leuven, Belgium, where he is engaged in advanced CMOS device R&D together with worldwide industrial partners, universities, and research institutes. His current focus is CMOS device scaling for 10Å technology node and beyond.



SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Co., Ltd.
Marketing Department
+81-75-417-2527 screenspe-info@screen.co.jp