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Contact Us お問い合わせ

Demonstration measurement/inspection and product inquiries


Thank you for visiting the SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Website. Please use the form below to submit any inquiries regarding product or technical information and requests for estimations. All inquiries are welcomed.

お名前 / Name

会社名 / Company
部署 / Job title
役職 / Department
所在地 / Address

メールアドレス / E-mail
お電話番号 / Phone number

ご用件 / Type of inquiry
ご用件を入力してください / Details of inquiry

ご検討中の製品 / Products

その他お問い合わせ内容 / Other

● 個人情報については、当社グループの「プライバシーポリシー」に従って取り扱うものとします。
 「プライバシーポリシー」をお読みいただき、 ご同意いただいた上でご利用ください。
 ※EEA(European Economic Area)域内の方はこちら
● ご入力いただく情報は、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲において、当社関係会社へ提供される場合がございます。
● ご質問内容によっては、回答までに時間を要する場合がございます。ご了承ください。
● E-mailアドレスに誤りがないことをお確かめください。

Please note:
All personal information will be handled in accordance with the SCREEN Group's Privacy Policy.
 Please read and ensure you agree with the policy before entering any details.
● We may share the information you provide with affiliated companies within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
 Please ensure you agree with the provision of information to relevant companies before entering any details.
● It may not be possible to immediately respond to all inquiries, depending on their contents. 
 We would ask you to understand this before contacting us.
● It may also not be possible to answer inquires submitted with incomplete information or errors in the return e-mail address.
 Please check you have correctly entered all required details before contacting us.
●Before submitting your inquiry, please read and agree to SCREEN's privacy policy (for the handling of personal information).
 You must agree to the policy in order to use this service. Privacy Policy for residents of the EEA(European Economic Area)

注意事項を確認し / Please Check